SOZO 2024 Speaker Bio's

Lead Apostle DGFC | the DGAN Global Network | Durban (SA)
Deborah is the founder and Lead Apostle of Deo Gloria Family Churches (DGFC), and the DGAN Global Apostolic Network, which was birthed in 2012. She is known as an "Apostle of apostles".
She has over 34 years experience in leading ministries and churches since 1990.
It is her vision & passion to see the Kingdom of God established on earth with a manifestation of the supernatural power of God’s glory being demonstrated, released & operational through the Five-Fold ministry and the Body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13).
It is her heart to see the global Church united as one, each being used in their uniqueness to bring about the Kingdom of God on the earth, without the exclusion of anyone.
Deborah has plowed into many sons and daughters that she has mentored over the years.. Her influence and impartation can be seen in the leaders, churches and Fivefold she has loved, coached, and poured herself into.
Since starting the DGAN Apostolic Network, Apostle Deborah has been a church planter, and a church builder. She is linked with a wide base of churches & Fivefold ministries globally, which are affiliated with the DGAN Network in spirit. (Deo Gloria Global Apostolic Network).
Her experience includes business management, leadership coaching, church management and international speaking for ministry events and churches. Her studies include a Bachelor of Theology degree (BTh), from the University of South Africa (UNISA), marketing management, and a Diploma in Biblical Studies.

Lead Prophet DGFC | the DGAN Global Network | Durban (SA)
Prophet Marietjie is the Lead Prophet in the DGAN Global Network and the Lead Prophet at Deo Gloria Family Church based in Durban, SA. Prophet M, ministers alongside her wife, Apostle Deborah Bell (Lead Apostle of DGAN), and is also a Prophet to the Nations.
Prophet Marietjie has a strong Issachar anointing and has a unique revelation about God’s times and seasons in the prophetic realm. She also has an amazing gift as a Seer and is gifted in the prophetic to build the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Her passion is for people to have transformational encounters in God’s presence and for them to understand and experience the power of prophetic words, decrees and declarations.
Prophet M holds an Honours degree in Psychology.
Marietjie is also a qualified Human Resources specialist and uses these skills to advance the Kingdom of God upon the earth. Her passion is developing people to reach their full potential in Christ and to stir the hearts of people to follow the heart of God in reaching their destinies.

New Covenant Church New Orleans | Louisiana (USA)
Apostle Shelly Planellas, also known as Warrior Woman, is an ordained minister with the Covenant Network. She and her wife are the co-founders of New Covenant Church New Orleans, USA (NCC NOLA).
She received her calling to serve her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at a very young age. There has always been a desire within her heart to see ALL people saved, delivered, and set free in every aspect of their lives. This aspiration can be seen throughout her professional life journey.
Apostle Shelly holds a Master of Social Work degree and is a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW). She is also an instructor at Delgado Community New Orleans, where she teaches College and Career Success Skills. And finally, she is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) of over 23 years. Her professional motto is to treat a person’s whole; “Mind, Body and Soul”.
Apostle Shelly is committed to Kingdom building and community building. Her mission is to equip the next generation of Kingdom builders and community leaders with a spiritual arsenal to increase God’s territory here on earth. She is blessed and forever thankful for her spouse, co-founder, co-pastor and friend, Pastor Tanzanika.

New Covenant Church New Orleans | Louisiana (USA)
Pastor Tanzanika Washington, is an ordained minister with the Covenant Network. She and her wife, Apostle Shelly, are the co-founders of New Covenant Church New Orleans, USA (NCC NOLA).
More info to follow soon.

DGAN Network | Texas (USA)
After hearing what seemed to be an audible voice from God 30 years ago, Prophet Bob was born again and filled with the Spirit, and has been involved in Spirit-filled non-denominational churches ever since.
He graduated from the Full Gospel Fellowship School of Ministry in Stafford, Texas, and has helped to establish multiple churches throughout the state. He is a Minister and an ordained Prophet in the DGAN Global Network.
Bob has encountered numerous manifestations of the Spirit including angels, fire, glory clouds, gold dust, oil, and supernatural winds.
When Prophet Bob ministers, people receive physical healing, words of encouragement, prophetic words, impartation of anointing and the release of spiritual gifts.
His heart’s desire is to see people encounter grace and receive all that God has for them.
Prophet Bob forms part of the DGAN Global Network, ordination Board.

Lead Pastor Merge Kingdom Church | Soweto (SA)
Pastor Kwena Segona was raised in a Christian Family in Limpopo and started serving in Outreach ministry as a teenager and later as a youth leader whilst at University.
She joined an LGBTQI affirming church in 2017 where she was able to get integrated into the life of the church. She participated in Ministry by encouraging others and being part of outreach ministry opportunities.
In 2019, Apostle Deborah Bell ordained her as the pastor of a vibrant, youthful church in Soweto, Gauteng, called Merge Kingdom church. Her gift lies in being a pastor - preaching the word, healing and delivering those who are in need and equipping and encouraging her flock to use their gifts to build the Kingdom.
Her vision for the church has a strong focus on community outreach and evangelism, to impact the lives of others and share an inclusive gospel of God’s love for all people.
Pastor Kwena, holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and is currently studying honours in Theology with UNISA.

Prophet and Lead Pastor DGFC CAPE TOWN | CAPE TOWN (SA)
Prophet L-J was ordained as Lead Pastor of DGFC Cape Town in 2017 and then commissioned into his primary calling of Prophet for DGFC Cape Town, in the DGAN Global Network in 2018.
Prophet L-J carries a strong Seer anointing, and through visions and prophetic utterance proclaims God's heart and decrees Gods purpose to all people. His vision is to see God's Kingdom expand on the earth, equipping and encouraging the Lord's people to full spiritual maturity in Christ Jesus. Prophet L-J also has a strong anointing as a prophetic worship leader, releasing the sound of the Lord that breaks down barriers and draws people into God's presence and brings transformation to the hearts of those who will hear the sound of the Lord.
Louis-John received his qualification in Information Technology at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and currently specializes as a global health and wellness coach.

Regional Apostle DGFC CAPE TOWN | Cape Town (SA)
Apostle Christopher was ordained in the DGAN Global Network as regional Apostle and Apostle at Deo Gloria Family Church Cape Town (DGFC CPT) in 2018. Apostle C ministers alongside his husband Louis-John Kuylaars (Prophet and Lead Pastor, DGFC CPT).
Apostle C is an intercessor for the DGAN Network and an armourbearer to Apostle Deborah Bell (Bishop of the DGAN Network). His heart is for people to find true freedom and wholeness in Christ and to move in the fullness of their God-given purpose.
Christopher has a Market place Apostle gifting, with a kingdom wealth generation mandate. He is also a medical practitioner who specializes in aesthetics medicine and is a director of a leading medical aesthetics practice in Cape Town.
He has a MBChB (UFS) degree and an American Academy of Aesthetics Medicine certificate. He is also an Internationally certified Aptos threads trainer and Member of the Aesthetics Society of South Africa. He also completed a 2 year His People/ Every Nations Bible School certificate.